Fundraising Ideas for Schools

Perth Parents: 21 Fundraising Ideas for Schools That WON’T Make You Pull Your Hair Out! (Plus a Delicious Reward)

Critical Takeaways:

  • Fundraising doesn’t have to be a chore! Many fun and engaging ways exist to raise money for your child’s school.
  • This guide offers a variety of ideas suitable for all ages and interests, from classic bake sales to creative community events.
  • Don’t forget to consider the “fun factor” when choosing an activity – a successful fundraiser is one that everyone enjoys!
  • Tommy Sugo is here to help! After a lengthy fundraising day, reward yourself (and the whole crew!) with a delicious and hassle-free gourmet meal delivery.

Are you feeling the fundraising frenzy? We’ve got your back! Here are 21 creative and engaging school fundraising ideas for Perth parents, plus a delicious reward at the end (wink wink).

Let’s face it: fundraising for schools can feel like a never-ending cycle of bake sales and car washes. But fear not, weary Perth parents! This guide is here to inject some fun and creativity back into your fundraising endeavours.

We’ve compiled a list of 21 fantastic ideas that cater to all ages, interests, and energy levels. Whether looking for a quick and easy activity or a full-blown community event, you will find something that sparks joy (and raises some serious cash!) in the following sections.

Before we dive in, let’s acknowledge the elephant in the room – fundraising shouldn’t feel like a punishment! The key is choosing an engaging and enjoyable activity for everyone involved. After all, a successful fundraiser leaves everyone feeling happy and motivated, not utterly drained.

Fundraising Ideas for Schools: Fundraising Fun for the Little Learners (Ages 5-8)

Our youngest Picassos and Einsteins deserve a fundraising experience that’s as fun as it is educational. Here are some ideas that will get their creative juices flowing (and their parents’ wallets open!):

  • Teddy Bear Picnic Extravaganza: Who can resist a cuddly teddy bear picnic? Organise a designated outdoor space at the school with colourful picnic blankets, delicious finger foods (think carrot sticks with hummus and mini sandwiches), and fun activities like storytelling and sing-alongs. Please encourage students to bring their favourite teddy bears and charge a small entry fee.
  • Mini Olympics: Channel your inner Olympian and organise age-appropriate games like sack races, water balloon tosses, and obstacle courses. Award prizes for the winners (remember the participation medals!) and charge a small fee for spectators (parents and grandparents, we’re looking at you!).
  • Design a Mascot Contest: Let the creativity run wild! Announce a school-wide contest where students can design a mascot for their school. Provide templates and basic art supplies, and let their imaginations soar. The winning mascot can be printed on t-shirts, stickers, and other merchandise, which can then be sold to raise funds.
  • “Guess the Teacher Baby Picture” Shenanigans: This one’s a guaranteed crowd-pleaser! Gather some embarrassing (but adorable) baby pictures of your teachers and display them for students to guess who’s who. Charge a small fee for participation and offer prizes for those who get the most correct guesses. This is a lighthearted activity that’s sure to bring laughter and raise some cash.
  • “Penny Wars” for a Purpose: This classic competition adds a charitable twist. Divide the school into teams and designate collection jars for each class. Students can bring in pennies (or any other designated coin denomination) to contribute to their team’s jar for a set period. The team with the most “weight” in coins at the end wins bragging rights and a small prize!
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Fundraising Ideas for Schools

Fundraising Frenzy for the Middle Bunch (Ages 9-12):

As your child enters middle school, the fundraising options can expand to include activities that tap into their growing independence and sense of competition. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Movie Marathon Mayhem: Who doesn’t love a good movie marathon? Partner with a local theatre or rent out a projector and screen for a night of cinematic fun. Sell tickets, popcorn, and snacks to raise funds. To add excitement, consider hosting a themed movie marathon, like superhero movies or classic comedies.
  • Talent Show Extravaganza: Does your child (or their classmates) have a hidden talent? Put on a school-wide talent show where students can showcase their singing, dancing, magic tricks, or any other special skills they may possess. Charge a small entry fee for audience members and solicit donations from local businesses for prizes. This is a great way to boost school spirit and unearth hidden gems!
  • “Crazy Hair Day” and “Mismatched Socks Day” – Embrace the quirkiness of middle school with these fun-themed dress-up days. Students can pay a small fee to participate and unleash their inner fashionista (or fashion-foible-ista!).
  • “Design Your Dream Classroom” Competition: Engage the students’ creative minds with a “Design Your Dream Classroom” competition. Please provide them with templates or have them draw their ideas on paper. The winning design can be displayed in the school and even used for future classroom renovations (budget permitting!). Sell votes to students and staff to determine the winner.
  • Battle of the Bands: Calling all rockstars (or aspiring ones)! Organise a “Battle of the Bands” competition featuring student-formed bands. This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase musical talent and school spirit. Charge an entry fee and sell concessions to raise funds.

Fundraising Focus for the High School Crew (Ages 13-18):

Fundraising for high school can involve more complex and ambitious projects that allow students to develop valuable leadership and teamwork skills. Here are some ideas to consider:

  • Community Car Wash Extravaganza: This classic fundraiser can be a great way to raise money and give back to the community. Partner with a local car wash business, rent out a designated space and have students wash cars for a donation. Offer additional services like vacuuming and interior detailing for an extra fee.
  • School Dance Extravaganza: There’s nothing quite like a good school dance to bring students together and raise some serious cash. Choose a fun theme, secure a DJ, and sell tickets in advance. Concessions are a must-have, so get creative with popcorn, candy, and glow sticks for an extra party atmosphere.
  • Themed Spirit Week: Create a week-long celebration of school spirit with a different theme each day. Ideas include “Pyjama Day,” “Crazy Hair Day,” or “Decades Day.” Students pay a small fee to participate and can compete for “best dressed” in each category.
  • Silent Auction Sensation: Partner with local businesses and community members to collect donated items for a silent auction. This could include gift certificates, sports memorabilia, or even weekend getaways. Promote the auction well in advance and encourage students and parents to participate.

Fundraising Festivals for All Ages:

Sometimes, the best fundraisers bring the entire school community together. Here are some ideas for exciting and inclusive events that cater to all ages:

  • International Food Festival: Celebrate the diversity of your school community with an International Food Festival! Encourage families to share traditional dishes from their cultures. Sell tickets for entry and tasting plates, and remember to include some fun cultural activities like music and dance performances.
  • Family Fun Fair Extravaganza: This classic event is a guaranteed crowd-pleaser. Organise various games, activities, and booths suitable for all ages. Think bouncy castles, face painting, craft stations, and even a dunk tank (with a willing teacher as the target, of course!). Sell tickets for entry and individual activities, and remember delicious food and drink options.
  • Movie Night Under the Stars: Transform your school grounds into an open-air cinema for a magical movie night under the stars. Choose a family-friendly film, sell tickets and popcorn, and encourage families to bring blankets or camping chairs for a cosy experience. Consider partnering with a local pizza place to offer delivery right to the event!
  • Community Scavenger Hunt: Get everyone moving with a fun-filled community scavenger hunt. Create a list of clues that lead participants to different landmarks or businesses around town. The first team to complete the hunt wins a prize! Charge a registration fee per team and consider offering local business sponsorships for additional visibility.
  • School Color Run: This energetic event is a fantastic way to promote fitness and school spirit. Participants of all ages can run, walk, or skip through a course filled with coloured powder stations. Charge an entry fee and sell colourful t-shirts as merchandise. Remember to capture the vibrant chaos with photos and videos to share with the community.
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The Tommy Sugo Reward (Because You Deserve It!)

Phew! Fundraising can be a lot of work. After all that planning and coordinating, you deserve a little reward, wouldn’t you agree? That’s where Tommy Sugo comes in. We offer a delicious and hassle-free way to treat yourself (and the whole fundraising crew!) after a long day of raising money for a great cause.

Imagine sinking your teeth into a plate of our mouthwatering Spinach and Five-Cheese Arancini Balls, bursting with creamy ricotta and mozzarella. Or you’d prefer the comforting warmth of our classic Spaghetti Bolognese, simmered for hours in a rich and flavorful sauce. Whatever your craving, Tommy Sugo has a gourmet meal solution that will satisfy everyone.

Here’s the best part: we understand that fundraising takes a toll on the budget. That’s why we offer a variety of portion sizes and dishes to suit all needs. Please browse our extensive menu online and discover a world of culinary delights waiting to be delivered straight to your doorstep.

So, the next time you feel drained after a successful fundraising event, remember Tommy Sugo is just a click away. Reward yourself, your family, and fellow volunteers with a delicious, stress-free meal. You’ve earned it!


1. How much time do I need to plan a successful fundraiser?

The amount of time needed to plan a fundraiser will vary depending on the complexity of the event. Simple activities like bake sales can be planned within a week, while more significant events like festivals may require several months of lead time. The key is to start planning early and delegate tasks among volunteers.

2. How can I get parents and the community involved in fundraising?

There are many ways to get parents and the community involved in fundraising. Spread the word through school newsletters, social media, and local community forums. Organise planning meetings and allow parents to contribute their ideas and skills. Reach out to local businesses for sponsorships or donations of prizes or goods.

3. What are some things to remember when promoting a school fundraiser?

Make sure your promotional materials are clear, concise, and visually appealing. Highlight the date, time, location, and activities of the event. Promote the fundraiser through multiple channels, such as school newsletters, social media, and local media outlets. Offer incentives for early registration or ticket sales.

4. How can I ensure a smooth and successful fundraising event?

Delegate tasks among volunteers and create a clear schedule for the event. Ensure you have all the necessary supplies and equipment on hand. Communicate effectively with volunteers and participants. Be flexible and adaptable to any unforeseen circumstances. Most importantly, have fun and create a positive and welcoming atmosphere!

5. What are some creative ways to raise money beyond bake sales and car washes?

Absolutely! Here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

  • Themed Restaurant Partnerships: Partner with a local restaurant chain and organise a “spirit night” where a portion of the proceeds from the evening goes towards your school. Encourage students, parents, and staff to dine out at the restaurant to support the cause.
  • Crowdfunding Campaign: Take your fundraising efforts online! Utilise crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe to share your fundraising story and solicit donations from a wider audience. Offer unique incentives for different donation tiers to keep people engaged.
  • Themed Trivia Night: Test your general knowledge with a fun and competitive trivia night. Charge an entry fee per team and offer prizes for the winners. Choose a specific theme, like movies, music, or history, to add an extra layer of challenge.
  • Read-a-Thon for Knowledge and Cash: Encourage students to participate in a read-a-thon, where they pledge to read for a set amount of time and collect sponsorships from friends and family. This is a great way to promote literacy and raise funds simultaneously.
  • Virtual Talent Showcase: You can host a virtual talent show in today’s digital age! Students can submit video recordings of their performances, which can be streamed online or shared on social media platforms. Charge a small viewing fee and encourage online donations to support the cause.

6. How can I make fundraising fun and engaging for students?

  • Incorporate a competition element: Divide students into teams and challenge them to raise the most money through their chosen fundraising activity. Offer prizes for the winning team to add an extra layer of motivation.
  • Give students ownership of the event: Allow students to participate in the fundraiser’s planning process. This will give them a sense of ownership and make them more invested in its success.
  • Offer incentives for participation: Encourage participation by offering small rewards for students who reach certain fundraising milestones. These rewards could be anything from a free ice cream coupon to extra recess time.
  • Make it interactive and engaging: Choose fundraising activities that are interactive and fun for students. Games, activities, and themed events will keep them engaged and excited about raising money.
  • Celebrate their achievements: Publicly acknowledge students’ contributions to the fundraiser through announcements, social media posts, or even a small award ceremony.

7. What legal or safety considerations should I be aware of when planning a fundraiser?

  • Permits and licences: Depending on the fundraiser you’re planning, you may need permits or licences from your local municipality. Always check with your local authorities to ensure you follow all the necessary regulations.
  • Food safety: If your fundraiser involves selling food, adhere to all food safety regulations. This may include obtaining a food vendor permit and following proper food handling procedures.
  • Insurance: Consider obtaining event insurance to protect yourself from any unforeseen liabilities. This is especially important for more significant events involving many people and activities.
  • Supervision: Ensure adequate supervision for students, especially during events with games or activities. Develop a clear safety plan and communicate it to all volunteers involved.

8. How can I track the progress of my fundraising efforts?

There are several ways to track the progress of your fundraising efforts. You can use a simple spreadsheet to record donations and track event sales. Many online fundraising platforms also offer built-in tracking tools that can help you monitor your progress.

9. How can I thank my donors and volunteers?

Expressing your gratitude to everyone who contributed to your fundraising success is essential. Send personalised thank-you notes to donors and volunteers. Publicly acknowledge their contributions in school newsletters or social media posts. Consider hosting a small appreciation event for volunteers to show your appreciation.

10. Is it okay to have a fundraising goal that seems a little ambitious?

Absolutely! Setting ambitious goals can be a great motivator. However, it’s essential to also have a realistic backup plan in place. Break down your overall goal into smaller, more achievable milestones to keep your team motivated and on track. Remember, even if you don’t reach your initial goal, any amount of money raised can positively impact your school.

By following these tips and utilising the creative ideas in this guide, you can transform fundraising from a chore into a fun and rewarding experience for everyone involved.

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And remember, after a long day of raising money for a great cause, a delicious Tommy Sugo meal is just a click away! Reward yourself and your crew with a delightful Tommy Sugo feast. Visit us at to browse our menu and order online!


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